• Filtering by "tag=Poetry" returned 14 results

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Anne Hanson, Retired

I start my car and think of you wondering
how it was that, so long ago, we drove alone,
even at speeds that wasted our gas,Read more

Mony Shohadaee, Retired Professional Educator & Writer

Walking each morning on
a pasture sprinkled with tiny drops of dawn,
I could barely feel on my bareRead more

Grunt 242, Homelessness

SINCE u are reading this now
THEN it means that somehowRead more

Joaquín Cano, California Senate Consultant

Dear great grandchildren, Several decades ago I wrote this article about the damages we, humans, were inflicting to our Mother Earth. I wished it wasn't too late, and had the high hopes that if you finally would be able to …Read more

Bobbi Katz, Poet/Author 82 years

Dear Stranger, I call myself Old Woman, and I have fallen in love with Sky. I never tire of its changing beauty. In fact, as my time for leaving Earth grows closer, I'm more appreciative of it than ever: the …Read more

Elizabeth Macklin, Poet

I will tell you that we did learn about it early, but couldn’t make power listen for the longest time. Early on we did make a holiday, which you may still celebrate: Earth Day—it felt like a meaningful gesture at …Read more

Aisha Kahlil, Member of the Grammy Award-Winning Troupe Sweet Honey in the Rock

I am a water child. In Jamaica, the fishermen call me “the mermaid.” Dancing in the fresh waters in Jamaica of the river, sea and the blue lagoon, while watching the fishermen with their fresh catch from those crystal waters, …Read more

Carol Maillard, Member of the Grammy Award-Winning Troupe Sweet Honey in the Rock

My blessings to future generations.
To life.
In all forms.Read more

Karleen Koen, Writer

There's always hope
I send you hopeRead more

Betty Roszak, Poet/Artist

Dear Grandchildren: Having just read Roy Scranton's article "Tourists at the World's End" in the Nation, I took some of his words to tell you my thoughts about what is happening to our planet. The Beaufort Gyre thickening the ice, …Read more

Carolyn White, Children's Book Author, Professional Storyteller

Dear Future
To you
BacteriaRead more

Sunday Larson, Writer, Charm Designer, Teacher

Dear Future Me, and Those Who Will Again Follow Me,
Lessons learned:
Make your imprint with bare feet and hands.Read more

William Eaton, Writer

This is my letter to the future,
That cannot write to me,—
The simple news that Nature told,Read more

Joanne McGarry, Peace Office Manager

Are you still planted
As people on the planet?
Tell us what happened.Read more

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