Dear People Responsible for the Future, Hi. My name is yet to be decided. I am not yet born. My grandparents are in kindergarten and do not even know each other as I write this. My parents, are unborn as …Read more
To the dear ones I will never meet: I once saw a relative get into a car—yes, a personal automobile, and at that time, we had more personal automobiles in the driveway and garage than there were licensed drivers in …Read more
Steven T. Jones, Activist and Former Editor, San Francisco Bay Guardian
Dear Future Descendants, Greetings from the year everything changed, 2015, when we finally started to avert the climate catastrophe that was headed your way. The change began right here in the United States, and it spread around the world with …Read more
To Future Farmers, I can’t imagine what it will be like for you, many years in the future, but I hope that some elements of the California landscape are still around. I hope that the terrifically productive, deep soils that …Read more
Dear Future Friends, I am writing this just three months before the Paris Summit, the UN Climate Change Conference of 2015, when the nations of the world will finally make a commitment to reduce global emissions. I know when you …Read more
Bill McKibben, Author, Educator and Environmentalist
Dear Descendants, The first thing to say is, sorry. We were the last generation to know the world before full-on climate change made it a treacherous place. That we didn’t get sooner to work slowing it down is our great …Read more
Annie Leonard, Creator of the Story of Stuff and Executive Director, Greenpeace USA
It’s hard to imagine writing to the granddaughter of my own daughter, but if you’re anything like her - strong, smart, occasionally a little stubborn - then I have no doubt the world is in good hands. By now your …Read more