• Filtering by "tag=Journalists" returned 10 results

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Lisa Neff, Journalist

Dear future, I wish you could know the magnificent world I know. I grew up in a place romanticized in fiction as Greentown and, as an adult, I lived on the rocky seacoast of New Hampshire, along the mighty Mississippi, …Read more

Daniel Wilson, Journalist

Dear Future, I am going to cut right to the chase because I waited until the last second to get this done. Hey, what can I say? I’m a journalist and I’m used to working on deadlines. If that deadline …Read more

Daniel Glick, Journalist and Author

I know. I know. "I'm sorry" sounds hollow and more than a little pathetic. Not enough of us tried hard enough; too many of us had on ear buds and went deaf. I'm still sorry, though.Read more

Jane Primerano, Independent Journalist

Dear Future, Some of us tried. From the very first Earth Day when college students added concern for the environment to the protests of the National Student Strike. We worked hard. We planted organic gardens and used canvas shopping bags. …Read more

Ralph Alldredge, Lawyer/Publisher

The Paris Conference of 2015 helped to focus world attention upon the problems of global warming and suggested some steps that might might be taken to lessen its impact. But within two years it became evident that the tipping point …Read more

Kel Munger, Teacher, Journalist

To the dear ones I will never meet: I once saw a relative get into a car—yes, a personal automobile, and at that time, we had more personal automobiles in the driveway and garage than there were licensed drivers in …Read more

Steven T. Jones, Activist and Former Editor, San Francisco Bay Guardian

Dear Future Descendants, Greetings from the year everything changed, 2015, when we finally started to avert the climate catastrophe that was headed your way. The change began right here in the United States, and it spread around the world with …Read more

Tom Johnson, Retired Private Investigator and Journalist

It is with a wary and cynical heart I jot this note to you, people of the 22nd century. The water-starved forests of what is called California have erupted in flames. Up and down the state, we inhale ash and …Read more

Melinda Welsh, Editor

Dear Future Family, I know you’ve heard plenty about what happened in Paris in 2015. But I was alive back then, so I wanted you to hear it from me. First, some history: Somehow, a cloak of denial got dropped, …Read more

Ginny McReynolds, Writer, Retired Dean

Dear Future Friends, I am writing this just three months before the Paris Summit, the UN Climate Change Conference of 2015, when the nations of the world will finally make a commitment to reduce global emissions. I know when you …Read more

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