“I want the children of tomorrow to hear bees humming, birds singing, church bells ringing, wind soughing through dense forests, and to enjoy quiet, solitude, and empty spaces.”
It is a little easier to envision my great grandchildren than Annie Leonard as I am much older. I also grew up in a cleaner world: less toxic chemicals, oil spills, polluted oceans, extinct species and less noise. I want the children of tomorrow to hear bees humming, birds singing, church bells ringing, wind soughing through dense forests, and to enjoy quiet, solitude, and empty spaces. No souvenir shops, no cameras clicking, no cell phones pinging, just people talking, laughing, walking, hiking, playing games, swimming, lying on the grass and imagining dragons in the clouds.
Save the planet for everyone: the indigenous people, the hunter gatherers, the goat or camel herders, the subsistence farmer, the craftswoman who makes enough to feed herself, the tinkerers and odd balls who make this planet weird and different and unspoiled by commerce and trade agreements. Dial back the damage we have done in the last 150 years. Plant trees! Teach us to live within our limits! To thrive rather than grow rich. To say "enough is enough!" To recognize that "economic growth" is the problem-NOT the solution! Do something NOW!