Jim Johnson
Biochem Research Collaborator
Gainesville, Florida, United States

But what is the land but the profits thereof?

“We knew atmospheric warming might be an issue as early as 1890 or so, and certainly by 1955. Yet, the truth was hidden from the public.”

As a person who has spent most of his life intrigued with the details of molecular biochemistry and biology, though not a professor, I found my love for discovery. Though I am not not paid for much of what I do, the joy of looking at a picture of Mr. Charles Darwin, and understanding what surely must have been on his mind, is for me, priceless. Darwin brought into the light the long past that must have preceded us, now established scientific fact. The geophysical connection between life and evolution was also well characterized by Darwin and his contemporaries. The Hubble telescope took us to the edge of the Universe and back to the big bang. Our place in the Universe, for the first time in man's history, was finally known.

When I was a child in the 1950's in Florida I remember clearly the large numbers of animals and insects that thrived around us. Large soft shell turtles swimming in shallow streams. Sessile organisms on the stream beds, insects everywhere. Monarchs and every other species I can remember a daily occurrence. Here we are in 2015 and much of this is now gone. The number of environmental disasters that occurred during the 20th century could fill volumes upon volumes. Creosote, for example, an extremely toxic mixture used to preserve telephone poles and fence posts, e.g., was routinely dumped into waterways and bays (especially in the south), wiping out sea grass beds that had existed for millions of years. We could go on and on.

And where was Homo sapiens? We knew atmospheric warming might be an issue as early as 1890 or so, and certainly by 1955. Yet, the truth was hidden from the public. Free and unfettered capitalism chose to hide the truth, to do nothing about it. Propaganda equated Socialism with Leninism. Unfettered capitalism became the order of the day, and it doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.

When you look at a picture of Mr. Charles Darwin, he is generally frowning. It is because he knew. He knew that we were old world monkeys, with a few more tools, and likely our days too would be numbered. I, like many of millions alive today, wish you the best, but corruption, prejudice, hatefulness, vengeance, all hallmarks of ancient man and his early religions, will most likely be the end of this species.