“We must work on the problem of global climate change with our heads, our hearts and our treasure.”
When I asked once what I could do to help save animals from going extinct, they told me to "just stay away from them." The idea was to just avoid such mammals and other species. No longer is that enough, even though the advice may still be valid. We must work on the problem of global climate change with our heads, our hearts and our treasure. My wife and I give as much as we cal to NRDC, the environmental group. We are also as active as possible to back politicians with similar ideals that we hold to try to combat global warming. Time is starting to run out on the existence of our planetary home. We must keep working to keep fossil fuel use to minimum while we promote alternative sources of energy. Jasper O'Farrell, whose 1847 plan of San Francisco did whatever he could to help others and to make the state the best it could be. We must do no less.