“...remember that some of us saw what was coming, tried to elect officials who would help plan better for the future that you now live in.”
To the children of the future;
We tried.
I was heartened back then when President Jimmy Carter was promoting and modeling fuel conservation. I was horrified when President Ronald Reagan dispensed with that message and heralded the era of gas guzzling SUV's and other use of fossil fuels with disregard of the consequence.
I've been involved with environmental groups for many years, working to stem global warming and other environmental degradation. I've personally felt helpless as big corporate money purchased our government and fostered denial of the real consequences of environmental destruction. I've painfully watched species go extinct over the years with no cessation in sight.
The only comfort I can muster is keeping a historical context in mind that the earth will eventually recover over the eons.
My wish for you is to keep fighting for the earth we have now, knowing that you are angry that we didn't do more when we had the chance.
Good luck to you and remember that some of us saw what was coming, tried to elect officials who would help plan better for the future that you now live in. Greed has always dominated and man has never lived in harmony with nature. Early extinctions are testimony to that. I just hope you can do a better job than we did.
Leonard Sobczak