Naomi Rose
Book Developer & Midwife
Oakland, California, United States

The Breath of True Posterity

“It was only once we understood that everything we did—and, more subtly, were—interacted with the climate that we came to our senses.”

This is what saved us: Enough of us realized that we ARE the climate, and that our thoughts, our feelings, our prayers—even our breath—partook of and influenced it.

It was only once we understood that everything we did—and, more subtly, were—interacted with the climate that we came to our senses. It was when we stopped waiting for someone else to apply the Big Fix and became conscious of our own impact on the atmosphere we breathed that things noticeably began to turn around. It was indeed subtle, at first: the meditators, the healers, the helpers, the artists, the contemplatives, the thoughtful ones, the nature lovers led the way, individually and in concert with people they hadn’t even met. A field, an atmospheric healing force, was not only restored but created. And others began to feel it and resound to it.

How did the Subtle Wave do it? By realizing their interconnectedness with all Life and putting that into the atmosphere by their thoughts, feelings, words, glance, silent well-wishes. “The water is me, I bless the healing of the water,” some specialized in. “The earth is me, I bless the healing of the earth,” was the mantra of others. And so on with all the elements, the animals, the land-forms, the mineral life under the earth, the people, the dreams.

This Subtle Wave may never make it to known posterity other than this letter to you, our beloved descendents. What you have heard about are the more visible actions, what history books can point to, give dates and causal reasons for: the success of the Paris Climate Change talks, the complete retooling and transformation of companies whose reason for being depended on harming the earth, changes in public policy, and so on. You know how organic farming became the agricultural norm, for instance, and how agribusiness was outlawed. How the melt-downs stopped, the miraculous reversals, the healing of the whole earth-body, like people at the brink of terminal disease brought back to perfect health. All this and more has made its way into your history books. But I wanted you to know the deepest origin, because those powers are in you, too. Remember that you are the climate. Keep yourself in balance. Be loving to yourself and to all of life. A holy breath from you can keep our beautiful green, peaceful, creative world going.